Plain Rice flavored with spices
Plain rice doesn't have to be so plain, this Somali rice recipe it is easy to prepare and most all it is a wonderful side dish with full off flavor and color, garnished with crispy fried onions and raisins. Ingredients:
- 2 cups basmati rice
- 3 cups of water
- 2 tablespoons ghee/oil
- 1 onion sliced
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 4 whole cardamom pods
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 5 black peppercorns
- 2 teaspoon cumin
- 1 chicken cube
- Rinse the rice well in cold water until most of the starch is removed.
- Heat the oil in a pan on a medium heat, and sauté the onions until brown.
- Add salt, pepper, cardamom, cinnamon and the cumin and cook until the onions are brown. Add the drained rice and stir for about 2-3 minutes.
- Add the water and chicken cube and stir in and cover, bring it to a boil and then reduce the heat.
- Continue to cook gently on a low heat until the rice is tender about 10 to 15 minutes.
- 2 tablespoons oil
- 1 teaspoon food coloring
- 1/4 cup raisins
- 1 small onion, sliced
- heat the oil over medium heat, add the onion and fry until nice and brown. Add the raisins and cook untill they puff up.
- Add this mixture over rice, add the food coloring on one side.
- Gently fluff the rice with a fork and serve.
asalamu alikum, great site!! how many people will this rice serve?
Assalaamu Alaikum!!
Mahadsanid walaal, for taking the time to post all these delicious recipes, for food lovers everywhere. I have honestly made every single recipe you have on here.
I’m nearly a chef, thanks to you! I truly appreciate your time and effort, Jazak’Allah Khair 🙂
On a side note, for sister Nimco.
Nimco, walaal, ideally when it comes to Basmati rice, 1/4 cup of dry rice is one serving. 1/4 cup of dry rice, equals 1 cup of cooked rice (which serves 4) and since
this recipe calls for 2 cups of basmati, it’ll serve 8. Hope it helps.
salaamu alalikum sis
wow this looks delicious can’t wait try it do you have
lamb or chicken recipe to go with the rice
thank you so much for all your help
salaam sis tried this rice dish it was so tasty it was a hit with my
family too just wondering if you might know a lamb recipe to go with this rice thank you and may allah bless.
Salaam sis, thanks for your feedback you could try the goat stew and replace the goat to lamb.
thank you so much i will try the recipe
inshallah and let you know how it goes
salam sis
I tried this dish with the lamb stew recipe it was very nice
however the rice turn out a little mushy. and when i put the red
food colouring in it was little salty any suggestion .
thank you very much.
Salaam Layla, thank you for trying the recipe.
Next time that you cooking the rice use less water, you can always add more but never take it away. I would leave 1/2 cup and towards the end check the rice if it needs more water then add as necessary.
All the best.
alikuma salam
thank you for replying will try that inshallah
and iwill leave the food colouring out .
WaAlaikumu Salaaam, you are welcome.
Karimah Rashid
Thanks for these delicious recipes I used to eat at my SOMALIAN friends houses in the U.S. i’m now living in West Africa and miss those dishes…i’m pregnant and CRAVING somali food…I will be making this rice today inshallah with the goat stew may substitute with BEEF….BUT I WANTED TO KNOW…SEEING THAT I DO NOT USE FOOD COLORING could i substitute it with a DASH OF TURMERIC and SOME SAFFON? RAMADAN KAREEM WA BARAKALLAHU FEEKI
Hajjah Karimah
Many thanks karimah, pregnant and craving somali food that is wonderful and you are at the right place.
I would used the turmeric and saffron that would be a great substitute.
May Allah make your pregnancy fruitful.
Ramadan Kariim